Project: For the Getty Museum Exhibition, “Illuminating The Renaissance”, curators wanted a way to discuss very detailed manuscripts on the internet. We proposed a ground-breaking zoom and explore interface but lacked the technology. After extended research, Steven Swimmer connected with Zoomify and their new technology that was initially being used for medical and scientific imaging. Working with Zoomify, we accessed unreleased beta code that we were able to modify for this custom solution, working closely with our design and engineering teams.
Role: Technology management, business development with Zoomify, Zoom product management and technology innovation, project steering team. Working with internal design, integration and engineering.
Title: Principal Web Project Manager, Tech Team Manager
Press: Positive press for this website and the zoom functionality included: Yahoo Pick of the Day, Macromedia Pick of the Day and Christian Science Monitor.
Example from “A Royal Wedding Party” Zoom & Explore Interface:

Example from “Genealogical Tree of Kings of Aragon” Zoom & Explore:

Zoom & Explore Overview: